Category: Media Release

Press Releases

Park Lawn’s Recent Featuring in NFDA’s Memorial Business Journal

“Horan, Baue Discuss the Road to Acquisition” There isn’t a better landing spot than Park Lawn,” commented John Horan the morning it was reported that Park Lawn Corporation had acquired both his firm, Horan & McConaty Funeral Services, and The Baue Funeral Home Co. “These are people who truly get it. My co-workers and I have observed humility, integrity and passion for this work and support for the people who carry it.” Click Here to read the full article

Park Lawn’s COO’s Jay Dodds interview with Cemetery & Cremation Magazine

“While he has been at the helm of some of the leading companies in funeral service, Jay Dodds is also the person who grew up in a funeral home and has done – and can still do – almost every job in a funeral home and cemetery. He’s held some of the top management positions at Stewart Enterprises and Carriage Services, struck out on his own (with J. Bradley Green) to form The Signature Group, and later sold his company to Park Lawn Corporation. Becoming that company’s chief operating officer. Dodds shows no signs of slowing down. In fact, he’s taking on a new role… 2019-2020 president of the International Cemetery, Cremation and Funeral Association (ICCFA). We recently had a